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Christmas Turkey Distribution Anticipates Record Number of People
Noah Ledesma 4664

Christmas Turkey Distribution Anticipates Record Number of People

4 weeks after distributing 2,300 Thanksgiving turkeys and dinner fixings, the Emergency Food Bank Stockton/San Joaquin is gearing up once again to hand out record number of turkey dinners to the residents of San Joaquin County. COVID-19 has forced many food banks to cancel their holiday turkey giveaways, but not the Emergency Food Bank of Stockton/San Joaquin.

Once again, the venue for distribution will be held at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds and the food bank expects to give away upwards of 1,500 turkeys in December. “As Stockton’s grassroots community food bank, we understand the importance of family and have mobilized to continue providing a turkey and fixin’s for a healthy, delicious holiday meal that can be enjoyed by the entire family.” We are grateful for the donations of turkeys and holiday foods that have come from individuals, Stockton First Responders, Podestos Market, Trader Joes and Food 4 Less.” said Alesha Pichler, Emergency Food Bank Community Relations Manager.

The 2020 Holiday Turkey giveaway will be a drive thru and completely social distanced. Cars will begin lining up at 6am at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds. Families will remain in their vehicle as hardworking Food Bank staff, board members and volunteers load a turkey and all the fixings needed for a family Thanksgiving dinner.

WHAT: Emergency Food Bank Drive Thru Turkey Giveaway
WHEN: Tuesday, December 22 Distribution begins at 8am ends at 1pm
WHERE: San Joaquin County Fairgrounds

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