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Miner Avenue Complete Streets Awarded Outstanding Road And Highway Project of 2022

The City of Stockton Miner Avenue Complete Streets project has been selected as the 2022 Outstanding Road and Highway Project, by the American Society of Civil Engineers Sacramento Section. The project will be recognized at the 2022 Sacramento Section Project Awards Banquet on November 4, 2023.

“We’re extremely proud of our Public Works team and their partners,” said City Manager Harry Black. “This award-winning project took vision and perseverance, resulting in significant enhancements that provide an opportunity for activating downtown and new business opportunities along an important corridor.”

The Miner Avenue Complete Streets project began September 14, 2020, and held an opening ceremony on March 16, 2022. The project revitalized the area making it accessible for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, with easy access to bus and train transportation.

Significant enhancements have been completed on Miner Avenue, between Center Street and Aurora Street, near the Robert J. Cabral Railway Station. The most visible center piece is a round-about at the intersection of Miner Avenue and San Joaquin Street, where an important and historic piece of public art has been placed. Vehicle travel lanes were reduced from two lanes to one lane in each direction with buffered bicycle lanes; pedestrian and bicycle amenities were added, such as benches and bicycle racks; improved safety with accessible street crossings providing rounded corners and audible announcements; and visually enhanced median landscaping with drought-tolerant plantings. Additional infrastructure improvements accomplished with this project allowed the City to relocate and upgrade a portion of the existing sanitary sewer line to accommodate residential infill and business expansion downtown.

The planning for Miner Avenue improvements began in 2010 with a unique partnership and funding provided by the City of Stockton, the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and Caltrans. Over the years, funding was provided from various federal, state and local sources, including Active Transportation Program, San Joaquin Council of Governments (Measure K), and the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program with a total investment of $18.5 million. 

Project details are available at or call (209) 937-8411.

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