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RTD Introduces Care Connection Transportation to Healthcare Facilities
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RTD Introduces Care Connection Transportation to Healthcare Facilities

Reconnect with Health on RTD

Beginning Monday, April 2, San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) will expand transportation options for passengers who require advanced, specialized healthcare—even beyond the borders of San Joaquin County.  Care Connection is a new program that facilitates transportation from patients’ own homes to their approved healthcare providers in Sacramento.  In May, connection service will extend to medical facilities in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. 

With funding from the State Transit Assistance Fund, RTD has developed additional transportation options that connect passengers with services such as the Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) train and RTD’s daily Commuter bus services to Sacramento and the Dublin BART station.  The cost to eligible passengers who require transportation from their homes to these services is only $3.00 for the first and last-mile connection, plus the cost of each long-distance transportation service.  For example, the cost of a trip from a patient’s home to a medical facility in Sacramento using RTD would total $10.00 one-way —$3.00 for the connection service and $7.00 for the Commuter bus fare.  Connections to Medivan, a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation service operated by Stanislaus Area Regional Transit (STaRT), will begin in May. 

“We are honored to be chosen by the County of San Joaquin to be the transportation provider of choice to help coordinate this very important program,” said RTD CEO Donna DeMartino.  “Care Connection extends our commitment to extraordinary customer service to San Joaquin County residents who need medical care that can only be found in the Bay Area or Sacramento.”

Patients and referring healthcare providers may learn more about Care Connection by visiting


San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) is the regional transit provider for San Joaquin County.  RTD's mission is to provide a safe, reliable, and efficient transportation system for the region.  For more information, visit, follow RTD on Facebook and Twitter, or call (209) 943-1111.

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